Sunday, 21 August 2011

Cougar Dating 101 (MILF Dating)

More and more young men are exploring women who are older than themselves as both a dating partner, and as a life partner. With the recent explosion in MILF worship from shows like Weeds, Desperate Housewives, and Sex and the City, larger numbers of dudes are starting to warm up to the idea of dating older women. MILFs love this new trend because suddenly they are much more in demand by horny and sexual young men. All is good!

However, one should not jump into the deep end without looking at both the pros and cons of dating older women. Just like everything, there is a flip-side to the coin. I will examine the benefits and possible pitfalls of wooing worldly women.

First, the pros (not  prostitutes). Dating an older woman brings with it her inherent experience. Primarily, it’s her sexual experience that intrigues most men. After all, by the time a woman is in her 40’s, she will presumably have had a number of lovers, and will have learned some interesting things in her experiences. When I dated a MILF, I was constantly surprised at her abilities in the bedroom. She knew what she was doing, and was happy to teach me a thing or two!

In the second place, most MILF's have their financial house in order. They may not shower you with gifts, but they will unlikely be a financial burden on you either. Once in a while they may even treat you.

For most men, the best thing about dating a more mature woman is the fact that they are just more straightforward. They are past the princess stage, and are into real life. They know what they want and will usually just tell you. No guesswork, no crap, just mutual satisfaction.

Many MILF's have had to go it on their own for a while. This means that they may be eating a lot of foods that are cheap, but unfortunately also fattening. The extra padding, if not excessive, can be a real welcome change to the boy bodies that many younger ladies sport. If you are careful, you will find a woman who is into exercise and has managed to keep the bulk and sag to a minimum.

Another disadvantage is that MILF's have often gotten used to being in control of their own lives. They tend to be more assertive without even realizing it. This might be a problem if you need to dominate people to feel manly. But if you are a mature person, you will likely find that the equality of the relationship will be refreshing. Be careful that they do not get motherly on you though. That might happen if the age difference is significant.

In general though, society is now just treating age like a number. Most people are very accepting of relationships of younger men and older women. The social stigma of a generation ago is gone. Thank you Ashton and Demi.

YE HA! Go git em!

If your into MILF than you should visit this link below:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just trying to help.. But do a spell check...last paragraph: your vs you're
