Sunday, 16 September 2012

Condoms – No Date Should be Without One

If you are trying to find someone new out there on the dating scene, you know what a challenge it can be. Many of the new people that you meet will never become more than just casual acquaintances, while a few others may turn into strong friends. Perhaps one of them will actually be the proverbial soul mate that all daters are seeking.

During this quest for your life mate, you will likely find that you will have a lot of great sex with new people that you meet. Not that there is anything wrong with that. After all, adult relationships almost always revolve around sex. Having sex with a bunch of new partners requires you to use Condoms. You would be an idiot not to.

I know that a lot of fellas, and ladies too, don’t like condoms. They dull the sensation quite a bit for men, and thus may also make sex less pleasurable for women as well. If you had to put a condom on your tongue before eating, there would be no fat people in the world. You don’t starve, but you don’t TASTE!” However, in this day and age, you should always wear one. It’s just smart.

Luckily, the variety of choices when it comes to condoms is growing at an incredible rate! It’s not just lubricated or non-lubricated any more. There are a ton of novelty condoms on the market. Ribbed or not, colored, flavored, interesting little appendages on the end – you name it, someone has dreamed up the variation already. Be careful though. Not all novelty condoms are actually useful for inhibiting STD's or pregnancy. Novelty condoms are just for fun and to add some interest to your sex life. Sort of like icing a cake!

Some of the more unique types of condoms raising their heads are quite amusing. First off, there is the “Inspiral Condom”. It is the new “spiral” condom that has started becoming a phenomenon. U.S. Surgeon Dr. A. Reddy, who also invented the prototype of the original female condom, did the fundamental research that lead to its development. When worn, the spiral ribbing makes the penis look like a giant screw. There have been very positive reviews on this product and sales are taking off like wildfire. Both men and women are raving about the intensity of the sensations that they feel. Getting screwed by someone has never been so enjoyable!

And how about the "Viagra Condom"? It has a fluid inside that helps maintain the duration of an erection. It is designed for dudes who have a hard time keeping it up once the condom is on. Looks like my personal pack of pleasure is going to bulge with at least one more item!

Besides sex, condoms have found a myriad of other practical uses. They are often packed into survival kits where they are used to keep things dry, hold drinking water, and even to fashion a sling shot with.

Talk about over engineering. A condom is able to hold more than a gallon of water, yet most men can only ejaculate about one and a half teaspoons. Now that is overkill! No wonder they are so thick and desensitizing.

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