Friday, 9 September 2011

Movies As A First Date

Going on a movie for a first date is almost a no-brainer. It will not put you into any dreamy romantic category as the guy who gave me the coolest and most unique date ever, but on the other hand, it is sort of expected, and usually a pretty safe bet. Certainly it is less stressful to you than say – asking her to go sky diving, or zip lining, or some other off the wall thing.

Movies stifle conversation while they are playing, which can be a mixed blessing to both of you. The pressure to keep the conversation moving is reduced, so you can both relax a bit more and just get used to being near each other. Plus, when the movie is over, it’ll give you a chance to talk about the film, if nothing else is coming to mind. One strange phenomena about first date movies is that bad movies are actually better conversation stimulator s than good ones. A bad movie can provide the grist for several animated discussions on the movie night itself, and on other days.

After selecting the movie to see, you will likely what some sort of snack and refreshment. Although it is hard to do, try to stay away from popcorn and soda pop. Most guys eat popcorn like pigs, and that will not leave a lasting good impression. Soda will make you belch, which is also not a something your date will brag about later. Better to go with a candied treat like M&M's or Smarties. For a drink, consider iced tea or fruit juice. If nothing else, these latter choices will show that you are not an inside the box thinker.

Good Movies

Some movies are great for a first date, while others are not so good. First off, ask her what she likes. If she has her heart set on a particular movie, then you pretty much have to go with that, especially if it is a chick flick. However, if she just has preferred genres of movies, you will have some ability to influence the outcome. Thrillers are okay, but you want a movie that is not just shoot-em-up. James Bond types of movies tend to be a better selection than Bruce Lee types.

Three examples of good first date movies would have been:

1. Comedy –Adam Sandler has an amazing ability to pull off comedy with romantic interest in most of his movies.

2. Drama – Tom Hanks usually puts in a good performance with usually tasteful plot lines.

3. Romance – Princess bride – The perfect first date movie. Got me my first boob squeeze in the back of a theatre to this film.

That being said, here are some examples of first date movies that would classify as a bad idea:

Bad Movies

Stay away from anything where someone dies at the end (unless of course the person that dies is the villain)!  These would be examples of BAD choices:

1. Holocaust Movies – Schindler’s List – Nothing involving the holocaust, if possible. Human tragedy tends to fizzle make-out opportunities.

2. Sob Stories – Million Dollar Baby – Eastwood and Swank did an amazing job in this movie. I loved it. It is exactly what not to take a date on, as it only ends in sadness.

3. Adventure  Movies – Spaghetti Western Series from Clint Eastwood – just bad choices overall, and he is too good looking. You would just diminish by comparison to him.

What ever you do, stay away from Porn!

Choose wisely and have fun!

For more great advice, check out this link:
Relationship Advice For Men

1 comment:

  1. You are so right in what you said,you obviously have no trouble with knowing how to treat a lady...Good for you.
