Friday, 27 January 2012

If A Movie Is Your First Date

Movie dates are often a good choice because it gives you time to think about what to do after the movie. I mean, after all you have to be flexible depending on how well each of you enjoyed the movie.

The worst thing about a movie date can also be it's best thing. It is hard to talk during a movie. In fact it is frowned upon. So that is bad. On the other hand, it gives you both a chance to get used to being around each other without a lot of pressure on anyone's part to keep the conversation flowing. So that is good. When the movie is over, it now gives you a mutual topic of conversation, especially if the movie was mediocre or bad. Truly great movies are hard to have a stimulating conversation about until you have had a few hours to reflect on them. If you see a classic great movie together, however, it can be talked about because both of you have seen it before and have already reflected somewhat. Interestingly enough, the worse the movie is, the more it will stimulate conversation.

After selecting the movie to see, you will likely what some sort of snack and refreshment. Although it is hard to do, try to stay away from popcorn and soda pop. Most guys eat popcorn like pigs, and that will not leave a lasting good impression. Soda will make you belch, which is also not a something your date will brag about later. Better to go with a candied treat like M&M's or Smarties. For a drink, consider iced tea or fruit juice. If nothing else, these latter choices will show that you are not an inside the box thinker.

Good Movies

Even within a genre, there are good and bad choices. You are looking for something that mixes romance into the plot-line, so selection is important. Hopefully you are taking her to a Cineplex type of theater that gives you a lot of on the spot choices. This means that before the date, you should have done some research into what movies are playing at the venue where you are taking her. Be prepared!

Three examples of good first date movies would have been:

1. Comedy –Adam Sandler has an amazing ability to pull off comedy with romantic interest in most of his movies.

2. Drama – Some of the Victor Hugo classics like Les Miserables, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, or Tale of Two Cities. I do not know how he does it, but the movies always seem to have an optimistic and upbeat ending, even while the subject matter is based on tragedy and misery by and large.

3. Romance – Princess bride – The perfect first date movie. Got me my first boob squeeze in the back of a theatre to this film.

That being said, here are some examples of first date movies that would classify as a bad idea:

Bad Movies

Stay away from movies involving tragedy!  These would be examples of BAD choices:

1. Holocaust Movies – The Diary of Anne Frank would be horrible for a first date.

2. Sob Stories – Boys Don’t Cry – I made the mistake of taking a girl on a first date to this film. She just cried all the way home on the subway. Terrible. Great movie though!

3. Adventure  Movies – Spaghetti Western Series from Clint Eastwood – just bad choices overall, and he is too good looking. You would just diminish by comparison to him.

Stay away from Erotica or Porn! These are just too over the top for a first date and will surely be relationship ending.

Choose wisely and have fun!

For more great advice, check out this link:
Relationship Advice For Men

Hello! Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard often.
When she got there, the cupboard was bare. Bummer.

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